‘we have to do something about the economy’
The idea that big problems require big solutions is not entirely rational. But it is psychologically compelling. And so it is that politicians can secure radical policies more easily in…
Gillard: Australia’s left-winger for the right?
Australia suddenly got a new Prime Minister on the 24th of June, resident Aussie expert Nishma Doshi agreed to write for Bright Green about her first impressions. It was clear…
Cuts to legal aid risk its collapse
a guest post by Pete Speller, who blogs at the dead goat - where this originally appeared. Access to legal representation in the UK is a right, one that won’t…
Behind the Smokescreen on Student Fees
This guest post by the ever excellent Sarah Morrison first appeared at Nick Clegg told Britain that he wanted a “clean, open, plural politics that…you can put your faith in,”…
Why are bp so keen to sponsor art?
On Monday, The Tate will celebrate their sponsorship by bp. Artists and art lovers will be protesting outside. Today, oil industry experts at PLATFORM have launched a new briefing on…
Laws & Osborne target my generation
So, George and David have announced where they are going to start their 5 year assault on the British economy. And the answer is pretty clear. First up against the…
Legal aid under threat – join the campaign to save it
Today, YouGov published a poll showing that 68% of people back the idea of legal aid. Specifically, they agreed with the statement that "if someone was too poor to afford…
No shock doctrine for Britain
The economic case against short term cuts has been widely made. So much so, that a large majority voted in the election for parties opposed to cuts this year. In…
update – Greens ‘happy to consider C&S with reform oriented coalition’
This from the official Green Party Twitter feed: Green Party role in a hung parliament Misleading hdline () fr @newstatesman - @CarolineLucas happy to consider confidence/supply w/ reform-oriented coalition. I…
The deal Nick should do
A number of friends in both the Green Party and Lib Dems said to me yesterday that a 'progressive' majority deal would not be accepted by the British people, and…