We shall reach them in the classrooms: Promoting a 'military ethos' in schools
Will McCallum Fostering a 'military ethos' in schools: what's going on. Earlier this month the Department for Education published a statement on their website outlining their ambition to promote…
Fighting for the Public University
Luke Martell Jérémie Bédard-Wien from the Quebec students’ union CLASSE has been on tour in England, telling his story about the movement at home against fees and for public education.…
Gove is wrong, we should scrap exams at 16 altogether
The Conservative proposals to do away with GCSEs and re-introduce, in some form, a two tier O-Level / CSE-like system has understandably created controversy and distress among many critics and…
Union of Students in Ireland votes to retain free education stance
A special conference of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), the national union of students in Ireland, has voted to retain the union’s stance that higher education should be…
Universities are becoming part of an oppressive infrastructure
A worrying trend is taking hold; what started as a trickle is becoming a torrent. A disproportionate attack on student protestors is unsettling not just the student movement, but a…
Calling all students, restore the right to protest.
Whatever differences of our oft dysfunctional, sometime self-destructive student “left” may have, it is nice to know that we also know exactly when it is time to unite and fight.…
Youth Unemployment: Government Policies Aren’t Working
Figures released by the ONS this week have revealed that unemployment is now the highest that it has been since the early 1990s. There are now million people unemployed in…
Employment and Growth: Latest Figures
The latest ONS figures for graduate employment do not make for pleasant reading. Particularly for those of us expecting to finish their current degrees this year (like myself). For the…
Exclude a Generation – Expect Anger
The size and anger of the student protests came as something of a shock to the establishment. They came as something of a shock to the media. And they came…