Don’t Bury Bhopal: a community seeks justice
It’s one of the most horrific, haunting photographs of all time, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. It’s the image of a partially buried, tiny child, her…
What we’re saying Yes to: Indigenous rights
Photo: flickr user 'ecolabs' Creative Commons license Naomi Klein is not wrong when she says in her latest book, “No, is not enough!” The power of no is stifled when…
Our views on war and terrorism need a drastic rethink
Photo credit: micagoto, Creative Commons. Wherever you look today there’s always a new article regarding terrorism. It’s taken hold of the public consciousness and has become a major concern for people…
At ground zero in Charlottesville: time to stop making compromises with racism
Flowers laid in the street in in Charlottesville for Heather Heyer, killed by a white supremacist at the 'Unite the Right' rally on Saturday. Photo by Bob Mical, Flickr. I sat…
Learning to say Yes: a reflection on Naomi Klein’s No Is Not Enough
Naomi Klein. Photo: flickr user Ilias Bartolini. Creative Commons license Let’s be honest. Almost 10 years on from the financial crisis – and the ensuing assault on the public…
Infinite growth: humanity’s deadliest addiction
Image credit: Pixaby user Ralph Creative Commons CC0 For decades economists and politicians across the world have been using GDP growth as the primary means of measuring economic success.…
Let Them Burn: The Logic of Capitalism Meets the Reality of Climate Change
Image credit: Pixaby user 'skeeze' In her piece titled “Let Them Drown: The Violence of Othering in a Warming World,” Naomi Klein takes aim at the handful of fossil…
As the climate clock strikes midnight it’s time to look to the morning
Climate change will profoundly reshape our world in the coming decades. Yet, in this article, I make a case for why we should not give in to despair and apathy.…
Trump, May, and Autocratic Libertarianism
A section of the cover of Hobbes' Leviathan with engraving by Abraham Bosse, 1651. Image via Wikipedia. At first glance the fact that Donald Trump and Theresa May’s neo-Conservative agenda…
Dodgy climate accounting rules pose a real threat to our forests
Photo courtesy of Zak Gratton Global forests play a huge role as a carbon sink. At the same time, how we manage (or mismanage) forests and land has a major…