Healthcare win shows Obama is no West Wing fan
Today’s news that the House of Representatives has passed an amended version of the healthcare Bill promised by Barack Obama shows an interesting contrast with the achievements of the Clinton…
In Defence of Universalism
The Scottish Greens have been arguing for a couple of years that the government should create a universal free household insulation service. This has been very successfully rolled out in…
Why I’m not complaining (much) about Vice Chancellors’ pay
The annual story about university Vice Chancellors' pay rises is in the papers again today. I have to admit that some of the stats are a little eye watering. The…
Are working class people just nicer?
Much bemused wryness in lefty workplaces across the land as an article in The Guardian goes slightly viral by reporting that people who buy ethical products are more likely to…
Students preparing to bite back
This time last year, I wrote a comment piece for "the Herald", arguing that today's students are the most politicised for a generation. The main (though not only) piece of…
Green Party Conference Days 3&4: A sensible health policy
After a certain degree of criticism last year around the time of the European elections, much of it fair, over some of our policies related to healthcare it was decided…
Let the best students in
The Today Program this morning again had the debate about what grades universities should require. This is something I've banged on about before. Some argue that it is discriminatory to…