Welcoming a Better Nation
James "Two Doctors" Mackenzie, Jeff "SNP Tactical Voting" Breslin and Malcolm "Malc in the Burgh" Harvey are well known faces in Scottish blogging. And now, they have launched a collaborative…
Caroline Lucas’s first mistake
There is a lot riding on Caroline Lucas, our first Green Party MP. Greens want to prove that there is more to them then recycling, that they can provide a…
Education is a Public Good – We Should Fund it Publicly
"universities have a unique role. We cannot have an economically dynamic, socially mobile or culturally rich society without strong universities." So started Vince Cable's speech today at London South Bank…
Cuts to legal aid risk its collapse
a guest post by Pete Speller, who blogs at the dead goat - where this originally appeared. Access to legal representation in the UK is a right, one that won’t…
Behind the Smokescreen on Student Fees
This guest post by the ever excellent Sarah Morrison first appeared at Nick Clegg told Britain that he wanted a “clean, open, plural politics that…you can put your faith in,”…
Union News
UCU We'll start with my own union, UCU, who's annual congress happened recently. I couldn't make it myself but as well as attacking the government's points based immigration system and…
Legal aid under threat – join the campaign to save it
Today, YouGov published a poll showing that 68% of people back the idea of legal aid. Specifically, they agreed with the statement that "if someone was too poor to afford…
No Shock Doctine petition launched – Anti-cuts students disciplined
We've now launched the website and a petition for our campaign against a "shock doctrine" for Britain - that is, the use of the recession to force through right wing…
The Labour Manifesto – sponsored by BUPA
It was presumably concern about whether party political events were allowed on NHS property that led Labour’s media team to tell BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg that the “Hospital site where Lab…
What’s Wrong With Health Care Reform.
So health care reform in the US has finally been passed and signed into law. It's been a long time coming, see Ted Kennedy below, and it's been greeted as…