An open letter to the labour movement: support the strike, don’t cross the climate picket line
On 15th March 2019, from Scotland to South Africa, an estimated million children and teenagers skipped school to participate in the global youth climate strikes. As the world’s youth gear…
How investing in communities can be a vehicle for progressive change
How do we build strong communities in such large cities? Photo credit: pixabay user 'photomat' CC0 license Do you feel like you live in a good community, where people…
What we’re saying Yes to: Community resiliency and regenerative regrowth
Photo: pixabay user congerdesign. “In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams.” –Nigerian Proverb Climate catastrophes are raking our world across the coals. From…
Too much soul-searching, not enough action
The 2015 Conservative election victory, the Brexit vote and now Trump's victory, have all been painful for the left. We need a plan of action, and we need to execute…
Reflections on the fight for a frack-free Lancashire
The plans were loose; we would gather for a community conversation about what next now that Westminster has seen fit to drill the democracy right out of Lancashire and enforce…
Unpacking boxes
Liam Barrington-Bush is the author of “Anarchists in the board room – how social movements and social media can help your organisation be more like people” - which he wrote…
Rebuilding society from the bottom up
This article is an excerpt from the new book 'Regeneration', which you can buy or download here. The rapid flow of money around the world is good for almost no…
Finding a sense of place: community, art and the UK riots.
What is it that makes a community? We talk a lot about communities in political discourse but to what do we actually refer when we use the term? After the…
Alienation: Jimmy Reid
Today, on the first anniversary of his death, we are pleased to re-print the address made by the great Scottish trade unionist and journalist Jimmy Reid on his election as…
What are current political conditions, and how could a Commons approach flourish in them?
In Robin McAlpine’s superb analysis (After the election . . . where next for Scottish Politics?) the Scottish Parliamentary Holyrood May 2011 election was about a long term process in…