Long road to recognition
Jake Bowers, GE2015 Green Party candidate for Hastings and Rye Our political system stinks, there’s no doubt about it. Twelve weeks into being selected as the Green Party candidate for…
Young people can criticise Thatcher as much as anyone
It’s fair to say the outrage against those celebrating Thatcher’s death has been simultaneously immense, orchestrated, and unsurprising. Much of it centres on the fact that, as an article in…
Miller Mentality – the price of everything, the value of nothing
Yesterday, in her first public speech 7 months after she was appointed as the Culture Secretary, Maria Miller said British culture should be seen as a commodity. Whilst we waited on how…
Bieber was right
So in case you don’t know: Justin Bieber went to Anne Frank’s house, said he hoped she’d have been a fan, and a lot of people were outraged. This put…
Skyfall: M for Mummy
Comedian Caroline Newte Hardie went to see Skyfall. She didn't like it very much. I have decided to mitigate my fury about the retrograde misogyny in Bond by focusing this…
How we deny our bloody history – a review of the Imperial War Museum
The stories we tell ourselves define who we are. With this in mind, on Friday, I visited the Imperial War Museum. I am practically pacifist, and certainly anti-imperialist. So I…
Oppression, Individual Rights and the Rights of Society
When is oppression not oppression? Well, when the rights of a society as a whole outweigh individual rights apparently. Or at least that’s what Professor Mona Siddiqui seemed to be…
Nobody's Asian in the theatre
Earlier this year, a good friend of mine, Liz Chan, wrote about how Chinese Britons have stayed silent in the face of racism. She recounted her experiences in the often…
An enquiry to the Daily Mail upon becoming unemployed
by Innes MacLeod, whose blog is here. As a recently unemployed person I decided to pen an e-mail to the Daily mail asking why it wasn’t all they’d built it…
Daleks and Disableism: Steven Moffat on Mental Illness
With the start of a new series of Doctor Who comes the inevitable unpicking of writer and producer Steven Moffat's perceived attitudes and prejudices. Other feminist bloggers will no doubt…