LGBTIQA+ Greens ask GPEx candidates to commit to eight pledges
The Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) and leadership elections are now in full swing. With nominations closing on June 30, and a full list of candidates confirmed…
Full list of candidates for Green Party internal elections announced
Nominations have now closed for the Green Party of England and Wales internal elections. And today, the full list of candidates for the positions have been revealed. This year, members…
Two more candidates announce for Green Party Executive
Nominations for this year's Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) elections close at 12:00pm on June 30. And two more candidates have announced at the eleventh hour that…
New GPEx candidates emerge with less than 24 hours until nominations deadline
There are less than 24 hours until nominations close for this year's Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) elections. And today, two more candidates have announced they're standing.…
Green Party leadership elections heat up – UK Green news round up issue 65
Green Party leadership elections heat up There are just two days until the close of nominations in the Green Party of England and Wales' leadership elections. And this week, two…
Second Green Party publications coordinator candidate announces
The clock is ticking for candidates to get their nominations in for the Green Party of England and Wales' executive (GPEx) elections. The nominations period ends on June 30. Today,…
Two Green Party executive posts have first candidates declare
There are just five days left until the close of nominations for the Green Party of England and Wales executive (GPEx) elections. And two positions have now had their first…
These people want to make the Green Party’s HR practices a “model” on workers’ rights
There are just eight days until nominations for the Green Party of England and Wales' executive (GPEx) elections close. And today the first people have come forward to announce their…
No coalition with Fine Gael and Fianna Fail say Greens in north of Ireland – UK Green news round up issue 64
Greens in north of Ireland reject programme for government in Republic of Ireland Image credit: Creative Commons: Northern Ireland Assembly The results of the Irish general election in February 2020…
Latest candidates for the Green Party executive announced
There are two weeks left until nominations close for this year's Green Party of England and Wales Executive (GPEx) elections. And candidates are stepping forward thick and fast. Earlier this…