The Green Party needs to get serious about antisemitism
Motion D4 at the Green Party of England and Wales online Autumn conference calls for the party to adopt new guidance on antisemitism into its of code of conduct. The…
Tzipi Hotovely becoming Israel’s ambassador to the UK shows the true face of Israel
With the appointment of the new Israeli ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovely, British Jewish institutions and the wider pro-Israel establishment face an impossible task. The mask has come off,…
Eyes on the occupation: In the Jordan Valley, there’s nowhere else to look.
In late January, still weeks before coronavirus had swept across the globe, I travelled to Jerusalem. Although this was first and foremost a family visit, a space to reconnect…
Greens respond to coronavirus, the budget and transphobia in the Guardian – UK Green news round up issue 51
Greens call for "solidarity pact" as a response to coronavirus crisis In the past two weeks, the crisis surrounding coronavirus has rapidly escalated. The government has been issuing regular advice…
Syria’s tragedy is in danger of spreading across the Middle East
Photo: pixabay user 'ErikaWittlieb', Creative Commons license If the first casualty of war is the truth then a large dose of disinformation has always been its pre-strike call to…
Universities shake hands with EWRE and Halliburton
Image: Kxlly Kxsh, Flickr. Two studies at UCL and the University of Edinburgh that have received money from a new €12 million EU funding pot for research into the impacts…
Cycling through lost Palestine: the JNF Bike Path
Remap, remember, return: cycling from Jaffa to Jerusalem. Image: Cycle 48. We are about to embark on a cycle trip through Palestine's history. We are three women who found each other in…
Israelis offer Palestinians their votes in campaign against apartheid
Shimri Zameret, Israeli peace and democracy activist, and friend of this blog, has been in touch with the following message: "Hey everyone, we're a group of Palestinians and Israelis, and this is…
An open letter to the BBC on their use of the word 'militant'
Dear BBC, I am writing to complain about you coverage of the ongoing violence in Israel/Palestine. I am sure that you get many such complaints. Much of this, I suspect,…
Even if Iran did have nukes, what would it do with them?
It took some chutzpah for the prime minister of the country possessing the world’s largest unregulated nuclear arsenal to lecture the United Nations on the dangers of an Iranian bomb.…