Photo from the recent NUS conference stage occupation. Photo credit: Rebecca Chapman It is a time of extraordinary potential for change in UK Higher Education. Labour’s promise to end…
Report from NUS conference, 2018
The occupation on the NUS conference stage. Photo credit: Rebecca Chapman The National Union of Students conference kicked off in Glasgow last week, with delegates representing students from across…
Queen’s University Belfast students occupy for fossil fuel divestment
Queen’s University student activist group Fossil Free QUB are currently occupying the finance office at Queens University Belfast, stating that they will not leave until the university publicly commit to…
Divestment, occupation and an unapologetically radical student movement
Photo: Yali Rosa I’m an elected Sabbatical Officer at UEA and I recently participated in an occupation on my campus which was the culmination of a two year campaign calling…
My university is trying to ban me from protesting – because they know it works
'This protest is about students reclaiming possession of education, rejecting cuts and defending our right to protest. We will not be silenced.' Photo: Shelly Asquith Almost a month ago, I…
‘Why we are occupying’: Students occupy LSE to demand liberation of education
Yesterday, students at LSE began an occupation in their university to demand the liberation of education. Here is their statement on why they have entered into occupation. Photo: Occupy LSE. We…
Palestine diaries: one amazing woman, among many
Women protesting about the arrest and mistreatment of Palestinian youths, Gaza, 1988. Image: Robert Croma. I sit at a long conference table with around twenty women from a few of…
Palestine diaries: the psychology of occupation
Grafitti in Hebron reading "GAS THE ARABS". Image by the author. Emotions often come in short sharp stabs here. Horror, disgust, anger. Meeting the woman who was beaten up by…
Students of Birmingham are back in occupation
What has education meant to you? The chance of coming to a university like the University of Birmingham has most likely changed your life. Education is an opportunity to transform…
Third University Occupation over Fees for RUK Students.
Students from across Scotland have occupied Strathclyde University against cuts and fees. The occupiers released the following statement on their facebook page: The plans that began at the end of…