Marriage, incest and polyamory
Pink News reports today that the Bishop of Aberdeen has asked the question “Why is it alright for a man to marry another man, but not alright for him to…
A kinky vegan feminist’s response to the PETA ad
Like Alyson Macdonald, I too am a feminist and a vegan. I too support PETA’s general cause, if not their methods. I too am concerned with fighting gender and sexual…
Saying No to Abstinence Education
The really frustrating thing about Nadine Dorries is that, just when you think she might have gone away for a while, she comes back spouting more evidence-free drivel about sex.…
F-off Heff: on Playboy, sex, psychosocial stress and the jilted generation
I like sex. OK, that's a pretty banal statement. Most people do. So, let me put it another way. I have no problem with people having sex as much as…
I’m not a slut
I’ve been called a “slut” twice. Once by a male partner, once by a man on the street. Both times it was about an attempt to control me, not a…