It’s time for left wing independents to join the Green Party
This country needs the Green Party. Inequality is surging, living standards are collapsing, and while millions struggle, billionaires thrive. After years of Conservative mismanagement, they’re finally out—but the damage remains. The cost-of-living crisis, the climate emergency, and broken public services demand bold action and real investment.
This should be the moment for transformative leadership. Instead, Labour seems intent on preserving the status quo—tinkering with policies but refusing to tax the ultra-rich, nationalise vital services, or confront systemic injustice. Worse, they echo right-wing rhetoric on immigration and economic growth, reinforcing the same failed system.
Never has this seemed more stark then the huge gulf between a public opposing genocide and the old establishment parties still continuing to enable it.
History shows us the danger of our current destination. Centrist governments that try to appease the far right fail every time, emboldening extremists instead of challenging them. Reform are growing louder, disguising their billionaire-backed agenda with anti-establishment slogans. Ludicrous when they wear the costume of defending working class communities meanwhile doing everything they can to make their lives harder. We need a real alternative—one that prioritises people and the planet over profits.
The Green Party has been that alternative for years. We’ve led the fight for a Green New Deal, continued to stand with workers and marginalised communities, and offered solutions rooted in justice and sustainability. And yes, stood with people who are out of work too to defend their rights. And we’re growing to record heights—winning more votes, MPs, and members than ever.
Independent candidates have also played an important role in challenging establishment politics. In some areas, they’ve replaced entrenched MPs from the old parties, offering a much-needed break from the status quo. Anything that is a challenge to the old establishment politics that has served our country so badly has to have been welcomed. But now we’ve got rid of the Tory Government, it’s time to look ahead, we need to consider what’s next. And whilst independent and the Green MPs working together is undoubtedly progress – we have to raise our vision.
The Green Party’s manifesto is democratically created by its members, each with an equal vote. It’s built on values that prioritise fairness, equality and a transformative agenda. If Independent candidates share these values, it’s worth asking: why not join us?
Joining the Green Party doesn’t mean losing your voice—it means amplifying it. Together, we can reach more voters, build a movement for justice, and challenge the system more effectively at every level, from councils to Parliament.
We can’t afford to stay fragmented. Labour has shown it won’t offer the transformative leadership we need, and Reform is ready to exploit public frustration for its own gain.
The Green Party can be the progressive alternative—but only if we unite behind it.
Now I know some people will want to stay Independent. For whatever reason, they don’t want to join a political party – and that’s their right. But, if they agree with the Green Party manifesto but decide they’d rather stay independent then join the party – it’s a legitimate choice but it’s holding back the progress we could all make together.
We in the Green Party however can see a path to challenge Labour – one that requires us to be bold, ambitious and stand everywhere giving everyone a chance to support our vision and solidarity of a better future for marginalised communities. The urgency of the many crises means that we can’t dither in deciding whether to contest a seat until everyone is in the tent – otherwise the right wins anyway.
I would appeal to non-aligned colleagues to consider joining us to help us to better represent working class communities and communities of color, and build stronger coalitions for equality. Change doesn’t happen by waiting for perfection—it happens when people join the fight and work together for a better future.
It’s time to join the party that is working to be the alternative to Labour and stop the rise of Reform – it has an urgency to it which should propel us all.
All these challenges are enormous, but the opportunity is even greater. The first step is simple: join the Green Party. Together, we can deliver the change this country so desperately needs.
Image credit – Rob Browne – Creative Commons
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