David Cameron: Leading Tory Feminist?
It seems that blue feminism is now becoming so fashionable that even the men of the Conservative party are trying it out. This week David Cameron – once described by…
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – review
Warning contains spoilers Steig Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy raised the bar for crime writers the world over. Part thriller, part noir and highly political, it gave us two enduring characters who…
Gender, Privilege, and Political Blogging
In recent months it has become popular to gather statistics on the lack of diversity of people working in the media. Feminists started using the #diversityaudit hashtag to record information…
Women Of The Year 2011 (No Pandas)
As Christmas day passes and the population spends a few days in the doldrums waiting for New Year’s Eve, journalists across the land begin to hastily gather information and evidence…
Saying No to Abstinence Education
The really frustrating thing about Nadine Dorries is that, just when you think she might have gone away for a while, she comes back spouting more evidence-free drivel about sex.…
Women’s Work? Women’s strike!
A brief reflection on the N30 strike One of the differences between the 30th November strike and most other industrial actions was the highly visible presence of women on the…
Tory Women: why “female” and “feminist” aren’t interchangeable
The current government's spending cuts disproportionately affect women. That's not my opinion; it's fact. Women make up 65% of the public sector workforce, so are more likely to be affected…
Disentangling population reduction and women’s empowerment
By Fiona Ranford There are growing murmurings amongst environmental activists that, despite the obvious unease around the subject, it's time to tackle the population issue. These concerns have been exacerbated…
An Open Letter to Occupy Glasgow
This is an open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow. If your organisation would like to sign the letter, please email glasgowwomensactivistforum We, the undersigned, are writing…
Feminism, journalism and practicing what we preach
How good are organisations that are committed to gender equality at getting their own house in order? Left-wing organisations, without exception, formally accept the basic ideas of gender equality and…