Well there is something wrong with the University of Birmingham – Zahawi. Swift was right!
On Newsnight last Wednesday, Alice Swift, a University of Birmingham student, People and Planet an National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) activist joined in a panel debate on the…
Fighting for the Public University
Luke Martell Jérémie Bédard-Wien from the Quebec students’ union CLASSE has been on tour in England, telling his story about the movement at home against fees and for public education.…
Advice for Freshers: Think critically
James McAsh, Edinburgh University Students' Association President, offers some advice to new students in a speech at the beginning of Freshers' Week. When trying to work out what I should…
Where is gender in our economic justice?
I recently went to a conference looking at the future of Europe. In one section, a group of us were talking about the kind of economy we'd like to see,…
Privatisation Reversed? Chile shows the way to reclaim public services
In Chile, a challenge has emerged to the idea that privatisation is permanent. Student led protests and demonstrations have focused on reversing the privatisation of education. Protests in Santiago were…
When the government attacks London Met, you can't ignore race
There are more black students at London Metropolitan University than at all of the Russell Group universities combined. In 2010, one in eight of UK born black students went to…
Green Party leadership race – Class Survey
The York Young Green Party has done a survey asking candidates for party leader or deputy various questions relating to class. The results are all interesting. However, amongst the more…
For a new Scottish Enlightenment we must end Mummy, Daddy culture
By Gary Paterson Top Universities Need to Open Up to Access. St. Andrews University have recently hit out at data released by NUS Scotland which showed the university had the…
Gove is wrong, we should scrap exams at 16 altogether
The Conservative proposals to do away with GCSEs and re-introduce, in some form, a two tier O-Level / CSE-like system has understandably created controversy and distress among many critics and…
Democratising the economy, one university at a time
by Mike Williamson A few salvoes have been fired this week in the ideological battle for democratic and public higher education. Harriet Swain wrote an interesting exploratory article in the…