My Green Conference Highlights (Saturday and Sunday)
I have never been to a political conference, so the Greens will be my first! The conference is very much like Compass’: to borrow a phrase from Yes Minister’s Bernard…
Caroline Lucas – fighting privatisation: why we need the Green Party
Caroline Lucas opened the party conference with clear fighting talk about the need for a truely progressive party in British politics. With her emphasis on opposition to public spending cuts,…
Lucas to Call for Job-Sharing MPs
Our guest contributor is Dawn Foster Today is the first day of the Autumn Green Party conference, and will feature a landmark speech: Caroline Lucas will address the party faithful…
On Route to Green Party Conference
Our guest contributor is Sam Coates
Sunny Hundal – why Greens should back AV
The Green Party conference will vote on whether to support a Yes vote in the AV referendum. Nishma Doshi argued against. Here, Sunny Hundal argues that we should. The history…
And they called us anti-science
Today Vince Cable continues his attack on science, and academic research more generally, as he announces we must abandon research which is "neither commercially useful nor theoretically outstanding". Cable will…
James Youd: No to a Green shadow cabinet
This weekend's Green Party conference will hear a motion to have a shadow cabinet of national spokespeople elected by the membership. Two weeks ago, Jonathan Kent argued in favour; here…
In Praise of Politics
We've been accused recently, and perhaps with some cause, of focusing too much on the machinations of the English and Welsh Green Party and not enough on what's happening up…
Why the Green Party should elect a ‘Shadow Cabinet’
This guest post is by Jonathan Kent, and was first published on his blog, The Headstrong Club. This September, when the Green Party of England and Wales meets for the…
Green lessons from Down Under
by Kevin Meaney (@oxkev) it first appeared on his blog I grew up and worked in Australia before moving to the UK 13 years ago. Having recently become more actively…