James Youd: No to a Green shadow cabinet
This weekend's Green Party conference will hear a motion to have a shadow cabinet of national spokespeople elected by the membership. Two weeks ago, Jonathan Kent argued in favour; here…
In Praise of Politics
We've been accused recently, and perhaps with some cause, of focusing too much on the machinations of the English and Welsh Green Party and not enough on what's happening up…
Why the Green Party should elect a ‘Shadow Cabinet’
This guest post is by Jonathan Kent, and was first published on his blog, The Headstrong Club. This September, when the Green Party of England and Wales meets for the…
Green lessons from Down Under
by Kevin Meaney (@oxkev) it first appeared on his blog I grew up and worked in Australia before moving to the UK 13 years ago. Having recently become more actively…
Is there an epochal significance for British politics in the upcoming local elections in Norwich?
By Rupert Read Regular readers of my articles will no doubt have noticed that I sometimes use words like ‘epochal’ and ‘history-making’ when describing Green Party achievements. I use these…
Let’s win Britain’s first Green council
Our guest writer is Samir Jeraj, who is currently leader of the Green group of councillors in Norwich A few weeks ago I was sitting in a library when I…
Norwich Greens launch ‘Open Council’ manifesto
Norwich Greens have this morning launched their manifesto for the special by-election on September 9th, brought about by a court ruling overturning a one-year term extension for nine city councillors.…
Adam Pogonowski: Derek Wall for Deputy Leader
Guest writer Adam Pogonowski is a Cambridge City councillor, and blogs at Here he explains why he's backing Derek Wall for Deputy Leader; you can read Adam Ramsay's case for…
Adrian Ramsay for Deputy Leader
The Green Party of England and Wales has leadership-team elections every two years. This time, the two incumbents are up for re-election. Caroline Lucas is unchallenged, but her running mate,…
Democratising and professionalising our Party further
Our guest writer is Cllr Rupert Read In my 'series' here on BG (see here) exploring the direction our Party (GPEW) needs to take, I have covered a little about…