What we’d deliver in our first 100 days as Green Party co-leaders
The polls have confirmed it once again: the Green Party is on track to become the third party of England and Wales, overtaking the Liberal Democrats. As candidates for the…
10 days to go… – Green Party leadership election news round up issue 5
Lib Dem Councillor defects to Greens due to Womack-Omond campaign These round ups are beginning to sound like a broken record when it comes to endorsements. Each week it is…
Omond and Womack will provide the vibrant, inspirational leadership the Green Party needs
Voting has opened in the Green Party of England and Wales leadership election. We are nearly halfway through the current Parliament, with the country limping under the combined strain of…
Denyer and Ramsay are best placed to speak to people beyond the Green bubble
Before I became involved with Solihull Green Party, I had very little idea what local politics was about or what local Councillors did. I think in this regard, I was…
Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay tick all the boxes we need in a Green Party leader
So, voting in the elections for the new Green Party of England and Wales leader is underway! We have five choices to put in order of preference, three standing for…
Green Party Executive results announced
Many eyes have been on the Green Party of England and Wales' leadership contest in recent weeks. But this hasn't been the only election members of the Green Party have…
Candidates head to head on LBC – Green Party leadership election round up issue 4
Leadership candidates clash on LBC This year's Green Party of England and Wales leadership election has attracted unprecedented levels of media interest. This week saw the most notable media coverage…
Amelia Womack and Tamsin Omond pledge to put party on track for 10 MPs
Voting is about to open in the Green Party of England and Wales' leadership election. In a last minute dash votes, candidates are releasing more detail on their campaigns. Today,…
Ashley Gunstock issues apology following Bright Green interview
Green Party of England and Wales leadership candidate Ashley Gunstock has issued an apology today following comments he made in an interview with Bright Green. In the interview, Gunstock implied he was…
Sian Berry calls for Green members not to vote for three leadership candidates
Voting opens in this year's Green Party of England and Wales leadership election opens on September 2. Green Party members will have three weeks to vote and a choice of…