#GE2015 left you feeling: 1. dejected and disappointed? 2. exhausted? 3. relieved? Read on
Photo by Tjebbe van Tijen After such an arduous and hard-fought campaign, and such a cruelly unexpected result, we may all be forgiven for wanting nothing more fervently than to…
The Labour Party has never lived up to its ‘socialist’ dream
This article is part of a 'Green vs Labour' series on Bright Green. Here, Jen Izaakson and Ross Speer reply to James McAsh's argument that socialists should work within the…
Labour’s tuition fee pledge shows just how bleak politics has become
Students protest for free education in London, 19 November 2014. Photo: William Pinkney-Baird. It is often said that the electorate has a short memory, a saying that Labour is clearly…
Amelia Womack: ‘You might not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you’
Amelia Womack was part of Jean Lambert's successful campaign as London's Green MEP. Since September 2014, Amelia Womack has been one of the Deputy Leaders of the Green Party and has recently…
Scotland: Total ban on fracking and unconventional gas in sight
Image by the Author. Protester at INEOS, Grangemouth in December 2014. After a flurry of announcements and counter-announcements this week the campaign to ban toxic and risky forms of gas drilling…
The Parallels for UK Labour from US Democrats
A mounting Republican headache for President Obama - Image: Barack Obama The 2014 midterms were a massive rebuke to Obama and US Democrats. In state after state Democrat Senators, Congresspeople…
Compass, a good time for a relaunch
By Victor Anderson There is a change of gear taking place in British politics, now we’ve passed the point of 2 years to go before the next general election. Ed…
Miliband, Cameron and Clegg must share the blame for the EDL
The EDL are on the march. A movement which had almost been vanquished has vomited its bile over the streets once more. While we must stand up to them, it…
The independence referendum has become a straight up left/right fight
There is, of course, a left wing case for opposing Scottish independence. It is articulated best by the likes of Owen Jones - 'we shouldn't divide the working class'. Likewise,…
Now Labour support law to deny compensation to victims of unlawful Workfare
Take action: this Bill is before the Commons TODAY (Tuesday 19 March). Caroline Lucas' office has confirmed to us that a group of MPs will be trying to push it…