BREAKING: Green Party membership overtakes UKIP
UPDATE: On Thursday UK Green membership also overtook the Lib Dems, after gaining more than 6,000 members in just two days as we reported here. In what appears to be…
Farage, Greens and the culture war
UKIP protestors in May 2014. Image: Gordon Maloney. “I'm not particularly bothered by it, but I know a lot of people do feel very I mean, look, it's just a…
Conference shows Scottish Greens are a force to be reckoned with
Last Thursday, the people of Clacton dealt a massive blow to the establishment by voting UKIP re-electing their former Tory MP. After having the media spotlight on them for such…
First Euro poll sets up Green vs UKIP clash in Scotland
The Scottish Green co-convenor - and Bright Green co-editor - Maggie Chapman is in a neck-and-neck race with UKIP for the last of Scotland's six Euro Parliament seats, according to…
Miliband, Cameron and Clegg must share the blame for the EDL
The EDL are on the march. A movement which had almost been vanquished has vomited its bile over the streets once more. While we must stand up to them, it…
Are the SNP the Scottish UKIP?
A crowd of activists pointing out that the UKIP leader is a bawbag does not a national sentiment make. In fact, with the good folks at Hope not Hate refocussing…
It's up to the Greens to take down UKIP
the next few years we shall either get that effective Socialist party that we need, or we shall not get it. If we do not get it, then Fascism…
UKIP and the Culture War
I was surprised to find that Godfrey Bloom, the UKIP MEP for Yorks and Humber had been running his re-election campaign on the basis of climate change denial. This seemed…