Trade Union Votes Against Supporting Abuse Survivors
Unison, the UK's largest trade union, has today voted against believing women who report violence or abuse from men within the trade union movement. The union's national delegate…
Criminalising the purchase of sex: Who cares what sex workers say?
Nine is a writer and editor who spent six and a half years working with sex workers in Edinburgh. Follow her at @supernowoczesna, and read her response to Rhoda Grant's…
Feminism: Invading a Gym Near You
Photo by Coba. Shared under a creative commons licence. Journalist and men's rights activist Peter Lloyd is suing Kentish Town Sports Centre (warning: the article is hosted on an MRA…
International Women's Day – Towards a Scotland women want
Three things have happened recently which, in the lead up to International Women's Day, have been playing on my mind. First, my sister gave birth. Not particularly earth-shattering, perhaps, but…
Inez McCormack – A Tribute
Mention Inez McCormack to many Northern Irish people of this generation and get blank faces. But Inez McCormack was an incredible, lifelong fighter for justice. Through her activism, she affected…
What if we treated drink-driving victims like rape victims?
You might have had the misfortune to read writer Caitlin Moran's helpful advice to women last week (in short: to not get raped, never leave the house or, if you…
It's about much more than gun control
When children are murdered, there is nothing you can do to alleviate the tragedy. There is nothing you can write which isn't a platitude, nothing you can say to ease…
Radical Independence Conference: Doing Feminism
This weekend I was one of four Bright Green editors who took a day trip through to Glasgow to give a workshop at the Radical Independence Conference. It was a…
Why I chose to tear Page 3 out of the Sun
Last Thursday, LSE Student Union voted to ban the sales of the Sun newspaper from Union shops. The vote was advertised across campus, and took place in a Union General…
Reproductive Rights in Irish Law: A Beginner’s Guide
A protest vigil in memory of Savita Halappanavar When the tragic news of Savita Halappanavar's death was circulated around the world on Wednesday, it brought Ireland's strict anti-abortion laws to…